Maderas Martínez Jurío Hnos., S.A.
- Ctra. Estella, s/n
31300 Tafalla - Phone: (+34) 948 700 782
- Contact: Carlos Martínez Esain
- Email: jhnos
- Web Page:
Employees: 9
China 10 %
French beech tree first quality - without quarrier, pell off and dry. Any comercial size.
French beech tree - dry, made to mesure.
Vaporized french beech tree - Thickness: 50 mm, quarrier and dry, length several sizes from 80 cm to 320 cm, (in 10 cm intervals)
Frech oak wood floor - Thickness: 22 mm, widht: from 7 to 16 cm. Several sizes. First and second quality.