Conservas Asín, S.A.
(Conservas Asín)
- Av. Leizaur, 26
31350 Peralta - Phone: (+34) 948 750 258
- Contact: Juan Miguel Asín Olave
- Email: rebeccas
Employees: 1 - 25
Hand peeled asparagus
Whole peeled tomatoes
Grinded tomatoes
Piquillo peppers
France 99 %
Germany 1 %
CONSERVAS ASIN, S.A was set up in 1950 by Angel Asin Leon,. In 1970 he handed it down to his son Juan Miguel Asin, the owner of the factory.
CONSERVAS ASIN, S.A, a small, family factory, manufacture canned vegetables specially ASPARAGUS, TOMATOES and PIQUILLO PEPPERS.
We take specially atention to all our raw materials came from Navarra, a region where excellent agricultural products are grown, thanks to the quality of farmland, the favourable climate and the expertise of the farmers. Our products are manufactured under a elaborate labour force where our asparagus are handmade peeled.
CONSERVAS ASIN, S.A. export tomato particulary to France . As current project, we are trying to export our products to different countries within the European Union.