Añuri, S.A.
- San Andrés, s/n
31195 Añézcar - Phone: (+34) 948 302 112
- Contact: Julio Eceolaza
- Email: anuri
Employees: 72
Villoar 2 Blanco
Steel structures
Industrial buildings
Steel buildings
Metal covers
Portugal 91 %
France 09 %
Añuri, S.A., is a company wich is specialized in the design, manufacturing and assembly of every kind of steel structure, covers, thermal isolation and claddings. Special mention to our technical departmet wich is able to find and project the best structural solution whatever the needs of the client.
More than 30 years in the market with over 6 millions of square meters build and a Quality Assurance Management system in accordance with ISO 9001 are the guarantee.