Meler Aplicadores de Hot Melt, S.A.
- Pol. Agustinos, Calle G, nave 4
31160 ORCOYEN - Phone: (+34) 948 351 110
- Contact: Jorge Betrán
- Email: info
- Web Page:
Employees: 64
Hot Melt application systems
Hot Melt application/ Melters
Hot Melt Guns
Hot Melt Hoses
Pattern Controller for Hot Melt
Compatible spare parts
Italy 25 %
France 15 %
Germany 9 %
United Kingdom 6 %
Mexico 3 %
MELER is a international company, with 4 daughter companies in different countries and a world wide activity. 25 years of experience in the hot-melt application field, allow us to offer you the competence of a real specialist. The MELER product range is entirely managed under own technology concepts. Big efforts are undertaken in research, development and innovation of new products, processes and services.
Our after-sales service MSS is committed to solve any eventual incident in our equipment worldwide at an pre-established delay.