Composites Gurea, S.A.
(Composites Gurea)
- Zalain Auzoa
31770 Vera de Bidasoa - Phone: (+34) 948 625 045
- Contact: Juan Azcue
- Email: parklex
- Web Page:
Employees: 74
Parklex 1000
Parklex 500
Parklex 2000
Stratified wood panels
Floating wood floors
Stratified wood panels internal use
France 45 %
Portugal 15 %
Belgium 17 %
Germany 10 %
United Kingdom 04 %
USA 03 %
Canada 01 %
Greece 02 %
Italy 03 %
Parklex is wood that has been treated by physical-chemical procedures that provide it with excellent physical, thermal and mechanical features.
Stratified high-density timber for external applications
Natural timber panels for inetrior ceiling and walls impregnated in amino-plastic resins.
Highly resistant natural wood floating floor.