Conservas Acrisel, S.L.
- Cr. Peralta, Km. 2
31340 Marcilla - Phone: (+34) 948 713 754
- Contact: Antonio Llopis Toledo
Employees: 10
El Batallador
El Sol Navarro
Peleed whole tomatoe
Preserved food Acrisel, S.L.
Dedicated to the manufacture of mome made preserved vegetables.
A very well looked after selection of the raw materials and the high process of elaboration is the guarantee of the excepcional quality of our products.
Our specialización differentiates us from the others: we are absolutely centered in the home-made manufactures
A wide range of products, which we could hightight, is poseed:
- Asparagus of Navarra
- Piquillo pepper reasted to girewood
- Mome made pottage of vegetable
- Vegetable several: artichokes, tmistle, cauligower, salt-wort