Peanas Alases, S.L.


Imagen_1 Peanas Alases, S.L.

  • Pol. Ind. C/C, nº 18
    31592 Cintruénigo
  • Phone: (+34) 948 812 664
  • Contact: Jesús Sesma Montes
  • Email:

Employees: 15




Presents, Trophys, Handicrafts,
Scultures and Molds


Portugal 99 %
Poland 01 %


Peanas Alases has a wide range of products in its catalogue, which includes any kind of ornamental figures such as vases, columns, lamp feet, as well as anmimal´s figures (bulls, horses, etc) and human figures, both classical and modern ones.
We do also have available designers and carvers, who can realice any exclusive piece you desire.
The material used is Alabastrina a mixture of polyester resin and alabaster dust with different finishings to be elected by the customer: polychromated, bronzed, silvered, oxidized and old looking.
Please, do not hesitate to contact our company for any further information you need.

Imagen_2 Peanas Alases, S.L.